Our Unique Advantage

No other company or research institution in our field has access to the proprietary GenDB Genealogical Database. GenDB is a database of Utah's multi-generational genealogical records. It provides an unparalleled resource for genetic research into diseases and disorders. Using this resource, with an extensive collection of DNA samples correlated with genealogical data and medical records, we have been able to observe specific, genetically inherited disease patterns.

Working in Utah has several distinct advantages for our clinical trials. More human disease genes have been mapped and discovered using the exceptional population of the Intermountain West; than in any other population. In fact, the New York Times recently called Utah “an ideal genetic laboratory.” (NYT, July 31, 2004, page 1) The reasons for the incredible success of genetic research in Utah are:

Large Families: Utah has, on average, larger family sizes and a significantly higher birth rate than other states. Today, the average Utah Family has five children; a generation ago the average number of children was 8; before that it was 10. Utah has experienced rapid population growth over the past 150 years which creates an ideal environment of extended families with multiple generations to quickly determine heritability of complex diseases.

Known Paternity: Fewer errors occur when studying extended families in Utah because the incidence of “non-paternity” (unknown or incorrectly attributed fathers) is lower. (<1% among Utah residents verses approximately 10% for the rest of the U.S. )

Genetically Representative: Utah is genetically representative of the world at large. While the population is predominately Caucasian, all ethnic and racial groups are present in our gene discovery collections, because of the high rates of immigration to Utah by individuals who have moved to Utah because of religious reasons. In all previous disease gene discoveries in Utah, applicability to other populations has been conclusively proven.

Highly Educated: The population is highly educated and enthusiastic about research and medical advances and the enthusiasm for our studies is particularly high among local patients.

Genealogical Records: Families are generally well informed about their personal genealogy and family history. Family members tend to be knowledgeable about their relatives and keep in touch with them. Extensive genealogical records, family reunions, and family newsletters are common.

Quality Care: The medical care in Utah and in the Intermountain West is centralized in the Salt Lake Metropolitan Area, within 50 miles of our laboratories, and it is of high quality, making confirmation of medical conditions easier.

“Genomic research is the key to understanding the molecular causes for spinal diseases.”